Package org.tribot.script.sdk.query


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public interface ActionableQuery<EntityType extends Actionable, QueryType extends Query<EntityType, QueryType>> implements Query<EntityType, QueryType>
A query to search over entities with actions
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public class BankQuery extends StreamBackedQuery<Item, BankQuery> implements ItemQuery<Item, BankQuery>
A query to search over entities of type Item inside of your bank.
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public interface CharacterQuery<EntityType extends Character, QueryType extends Query<EntityType, QueryType>> implements Query<EntityType, QueryType>, NamedQuery<EntityType, QueryType>, InteractableQuery<EntityType, QueryType>, IndexableQuery<EntityType, QueryType>, OrientableQuery<EntityType, QueryType>
A query to search over character entities
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public interface ClickableQuery<EntityType extends Clickable, QueryType extends Query<EntityType, QueryType>> implements Query<EntityType, QueryType>
A query to search over clickable entities
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public class EquipmentQuery extends StreamBackedQuery<EquipmentItem, EquipmentQuery> implements ItemQuery<EquipmentItem, EquipmentQuery>
A query to search over entities of type EquipmentItem which are equipped on your character
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public class GrandExchangeOfferQuery extends StreamBackedQuery<GrandExchangeOffer, GrandExchangeOfferQuery>
A query to search over entities of type GrandExchangeOffer
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A query to search over entities of type GraphicObject
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public interface IdentifiableQuery<EntityType extends Identifiable, QueryType extends Query<EntityType, QueryType>> implements Query<EntityType, QueryType>
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public interface IndexableQuery<EntityType extends Indexable, QueryType extends Query<EntityType, QueryType>> implements Query<EntityType, QueryType>
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public interface InteractableQuery<EntityType extends Interactable, QueryType extends Query<EntityType, QueryType>> implements PositionableQuery<EntityType, QueryType>, ClickableQuery<EntityType, QueryType>
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public class InventoryQuery extends StreamBackedQuery<InventoryItem, InventoryQuery> implements ItemQuery<InventoryItem, InventoryQuery>
A query to search over entities of type InventoryItem located in your inventory
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public interface ItemDefinableQuery<EntityType extends ItemDefinable, QueryType extends Query<EntityType, QueryType>> implements Query<EntityType, QueryType>
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A query to search over item definitions
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public interface ItemQuery<EntityType extends Item, QueryType extends Query<EntityType, QueryType>> implements ClickableQuery<EntityType, QueryType>, IdentifiableQuery<EntityType, QueryType>, NamedQuery<EntityType, QueryType>, IndexableQuery<EntityType, QueryType>, StackableItemDefinableQuery<EntityType, QueryType>, ActionableQuery<EntityType, QueryType>
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public interface NamedQuery<EntityType extends Named, QueryType extends Query<EntityType, QueryType>> implements Query<EntityType, QueryType>
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public class NpcQuery extends StreamBackedQuery<Npc, NpcQuery> implements CharacterQuery<Npc, NpcQuery>, IdentifiableQuery<Npc, NpcQuery>, ActionableQuery<Npc, NpcQuery>
A query to search over entities of type Npc
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public interface OrientableQuery<EntityType extends Orientable, QueryType extends Query<EntityType, QueryType>> implements Query<EntityType, QueryType>
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public class PlayerQuery extends StreamBackedQuery<Player, PlayerQuery> implements CharacterQuery<Player, PlayerQuery>
A query to search over entities of type Player
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public interface PositionableQuery<EntityType extends Positionable, QueryType extends Query<EntityType, QueryType>> implements Query<EntityType, QueryType>
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public class ProjectileQuery extends StreamBackedQuery<Projectile, ProjectileQuery> implements PositionableQuery<Projectile, ProjectileQuery>
A query to search over entities of type Projectile
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public interface Query<EntityType, QueryType extends Query<EntityType, QueryType>>
An interface for querying entities.
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public class ShopItemQuery extends StreamBackedQuery<Item, ShopItemQuery> implements ItemQuery<Item, ShopItemQuery>
A query to search over items available in the shop
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public interface StackableItemDefinableQuery<EntityType extends ItemDefinable, Stackable, QueryType extends Query<EntityType, QueryType>> implements ItemDefinableQuery<EntityType, QueryType>, StackableQuery<EntityType, QueryType>
A query to search over Stackable entities that are ItemDefinable This type serves as a bridge between ground items/interface items
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public interface StackableQuery<EntityType extends Stackable, QueryType extends Query<EntityType, QueryType>> implements Query<EntityType, QueryType>
A query to search over Stackable entities
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public class TileQuery extends StreamBackedQuery<LocalTile, TileQuery> implements InteractableQuery<LocalTile, TileQuery>
A query to search over tiles in the local region
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public class TradeQuery extends StreamBackedQuery<Item, TradeQuery> implements ItemQuery<Item, TradeQuery>
A query for searching over items in the trade screen.
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public class WidgetItemQuery extends StreamBackedQuery<Item, WidgetItemQuery> implements ItemQuery<Item, WidgetItemQuery>
A query to search over items listed inside of an Widget.
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public class WidgetQuery extends StreamBackedQuery<Widget, WidgetQuery> implements ActionableQuery<Widget, WidgetQuery>, ClickableQuery<Widget, WidgetQuery>, IndexableQuery<Widget, WidgetQuery>
A query to search over entities of type Widget
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public class WorldQuery extends StreamBackedQuery<World, WorldQuery>
A query to search over all available game worlds