
public class WidgetAddress

Contains an "address" (the index path) for a widget to avoid avoid hardcoding the indexes. This will dynamically resolve the widget and cache the index path. The cached index path will be used for subsequent lookups.


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static WidgetAddress create(Predicate<Widget> masterInterfaceFilter)
Creates a widget address by searching all widgets with the specified predicate.
static WidgetAddress create(Supplier<Optional<Widget>> getInterfaceFunc)
Creates a widget address using the specified supplier
static WidgetAddress create(int rootIndex, Predicate<Widget> componentFilter)
Creates a widget address by searching all widgets in the specified root index with the specified predicate.
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Array<int> getIndexPath()
Gets the index path of this address
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Attempts to look up the widget, using the cached indexes if it exists, otherwise performs a dynamic lookup and attempts to check the widget.